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Lee Hom Invitational Part 2

04 July, 2006 | Written by Patchay at 6:29 PM in

continued from Part 1

The event went on smoothly thereafter with speaches by key personnels of Amway Malaysia and the chairman of the holding company Amway Corporation, Steve Van Andel. Mr. Steve is the son of the late Jay Van Andel, one of the co-founders of Amway. The late Mr Jay is the 242nd richest man in the US (2004 Forbes).

Cutting the Birthday Cake...

Much later, the pop diva of Indonesia, Ruth Sahanaya take on the stage to entertain the crowd. Towards the end of the show, there was a colourful display of fireworks that lights up the dark sky around Bukit Jalil.

Like Shooting Stars falling from the sky

The event ended with a dazzling performance by Wang Lee Hom, one of Taiwan's top male singer. Could this be his biggest concert in Kuala Lumpur, considering the fact that about 43,000 roared when he performed?

Playing piano...

C'mon C'mon C'mon

Unusual Midnight Concert

R&B and Hip Hop

Trademark Act: "Down, Down, Then Up! Up! Up!"

For more pics, visit http://patchay.mulitply.com/photos/album/51.

The End


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