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MV Doulos Last Sunday

27 July, 2006 | Written by Patchay at 4:23 PM in

I visited MV Doulos at Star Cruises Terminal, Port Klang (Malaysia) on 23 July 2006. Built in 1914 (2 years younger than the Titanic!), Doulos is recognised in the Guinness Book of World Records as the world's oldest active ocean-going passenger ship.

MV Doulos at Port Klang

The Ramblings --- My first impression of this ship was: Gosh! It isn't that big after all! It looks more like a frigate or destroyer or something like that?...lol. Also, I was wondering what in the world is that huge white ball thingy "hanging" on the upper deck of the ship. Isn't it a radar system?

I and of course hundreds more waited in a long long not moving queue before we could get onboard the ship. Some people waited for more than 3 hours (during weekends mah) and guess what happened when it was about their turn to be on the ship? Astonishingly, they turned back and headed to the carpark. Reason: Too hot. The last thing I knew when I got out of the ship was that I had 4 new books under my arms.

Thousands of people lined up under this structure

A bit of History --- The original ship was renamed Doulos after which she was purchased in 1977 by Gute Bücher für Alle e.V. (Good Books for All), a private, non-profit and charitable organisation based in Germany. Since 1977, the ship has travelled to more than 100 countries, welcoming more than 18 million people onboard.

The modern Doulos is now home to the world's largest floating book fair and being acknowledged as the ship of Knowledge, Help, Hope and (also) Unity.

As usual, I'm the photographer...

The Truth --- Staffed by over 300 volunteers representing almost every part of the world, Doulos carries a goodwill message to all ports that she visits. Besides supplying more than 6,000 quality literature titles across many great oceans, the ship continues to promote good understanding between different cultures and (at the same time) sharing a message of hope in God wherever there is opportunity.

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For more pics, visit http://patchay.multiply.com/photos/album/54.


In coming weeks, I'll post topics on current affairs such as the Middle East crisis, perhaps other interesting things that make news in Asia. I apologize for irregular posting and unusual posting pattern.

As Patchay@Blogspot continously seek to increase its overseas readership through various blogging forums, we (the editors) would appreciate if you kindly send us your feedback regarding this website. That's all for today and have fun reading!

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